As Pastor Inger wrote in our February newsletter, the pandemic came to Jackson just about a year ago, a few weeks into Lent. While we observed the subsequent liturgical seasons, in some ways it feels like we are entering what we never seemed to have left. In this year where remembering we are dust feels far less optional, far less momentary, the better analogy of Ash Wednesday and the invitation of Lent is pulling up a chair, settling in and being present to all the changes and realizations the pandemic has brought us.
Shepherd of the Mountains will be open throughout the day (10 am – 7pm). In the sanctuary, you are welcome to rotate through one or more contemplative stations. When you are ready, return to the narthex to pick out a special gift (one per person) for “living with Lent,” and receive your ashes as you leave. Please wear masks and practice physical distancing.